Woodgate History 1987
photos, newspaper clippings, miscellany . . .

all terrain vehicle law stalls coming out of gate february 4 1987 board says quarry road will remain a public highway december 16 1987
all terrain vehicle law stalls coming out of gate february 4 1987.jpg board says quarry road will remain a public highway december 16 1987.jpg
chandler jennie hitchcock wife of claude chandler obit july 2 1987 david nelson olney engaged to donna catherine achen october 27 1987
chandler jennie hitchcock wife of claude chandler obit july 2 1987.jpg david nelson olney engaged to donna catherine achen october 27 1987.jpg
kevin bleau attends mock constitutional convention june 3 1987 minahan barbara j lago daughter of edward and rose bazydlo lago obit march 11 1987
kevin bleau attends mock constitutional convention june 3 1987.jpg minahan barbara j lago daughter of edward and rose bazydlo lago obit march 11 1987.jpg
oneida county residents meet with legislature reps april 15 1987 ordination of bowers caps five years of study june 3 1987
oneida county residents meet with legislature reps april 15 1987.jpg ordination of bowers caps five years of study june 3 1987.jpg
pole barn construction becomes political issue october 28 1987 reverend doctor eugene bowers ordained as priest june 3 1987
pole barn construction becomes political issue october 28 1987.jpg reverend doctor eugene bowers ordained as priest june 3 1987.jpg
sears cited for record june 10 1987 sears part of new group fighting drugs december 30 1987
sears cited for record june 10 1987.jpg sears part of new group fighting drugs december 30 1987.jpg
sears tours north district january 28 1987 utley family reunion june 27 1987
sears tours north district january 28 1987.jpg utley family reunion june 27 1987.jpg
woodgate public meeting june 24 1987  
woodgate public meeting june 24 1987.jpg