Woodgate History - 1924
photos, newspaper clippings, miscellany . . .
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boonville herald woodgate news 1924 001 boonville herald woodgate news sept 22 1924
boonville herald woodgate news 1924 001.jpg boonville herald woodgate news sept 22 1924.jpg
dallarmi farm tract map 1924 001 dallarmi farm tract map 1924 002
dallarmi farm tract map 1924 001.jpg dallarmi farm tract map 1924 002.jpg
dallarmi farms deeded to masons feb 28 1924 dewey reverend sanger obit
dallarmi farms deeded to masons feb 28 1924.jpg dewey reverend sanger obit.jpg
hotel app and residences white lake corners ny 1924 postcard how we became woodgate january 24 1924
hotel app and residences white lake corners ny 1924 postcard.jpg how we became woodgate january 24 1924.jpg
ice cutting on white lake 1924_001 linkie carrie v pate obit
ice cutting on white lake 1924_001.jpg linkie carrie v pate obit.jpg
masonic home camp round lake begun 1924 may change name of white lake station 1924
masonic home camp round lake begun 1924.jpg may change name of white lake station 1924.jpg
name of white lake station is changed march 13 1924 pine bay cottage camp oneida white lake cors ny 1924
name of white lake station is changed march 13 1924.jpg pine bay cottage camp oneida white lake cors ny 1924.jpg
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 001 residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 002
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 001.jpg residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 002.jpg
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 003 residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 004
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 003.jpg residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 004.jpg
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 005 residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 006
residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 005.jpg residents of woodgate enter protest 1924 card page 006.jpg