Woodgate History 1921
photos, newspaper clippings, miscellany . . .

cockeroft schutz bird benjamin isley marriage license notice oct 16 1921 dallarmi mary estate disclosure after death 1921
cockeroft schutz bird benjamin isley marriage license notice oct 16 1921.jpg dallarmi mary estate disclosure after death 1921.jpg
dallarmi mary obit duff mary dupper obit
dallarmi mary obit.jpg duff mary dupper obit.jpg
hafely reid rothwell geneva married oct 2 1921 hoffman frederick eames emma july 11 1921
hafely reid rothwell geneva married oct 2 1921.jpg hoffman frederick eames emma july 11 1921.jpg
hughes ernest chaufty caroline married jan 4 1921 isley edward rothwell amelia married oct 16 1921
hughes ernest chaufty caroline married jan 4 1921.jpg isley edward rothwell amelia married oct 16 1921.jpg
isley edward rothwell amelia married oct 18 1921 jones harwood newcomb willa married june 23 1921
isley edward rothwell amelia married oct 18 1921.jpg jones harwood newcomb willa married june 23 1921.jpg
pegg reade wilson ruth married april 30 1921 reverend arthur j dean leaves westminster church 1920
pegg reade wilson ruth married april 30 1921.jpg reverend arthur j dean leaves westminster church 1920.jpg
severe hail storm occurs at white lake june 12 1921 touse catherine dupper obit
severe hail storm occurs at white lake june 12 1921.jpg touse catherine dupper obit.jpg
utica man wins scholastic key record of US pugh sterling b june 6 1921 utican wins six keys for scholastic work pugh sterling b june 3 1921
utica man wins scholastic key record of US pugh sterling b june 6 1921.jpg utican wins six keys for scholastic work pugh sterling b june 3 1921.jpg
white lake corners news boonville herald 1921 white lake corners news boonville herald june 30 1921 001
white lake corners news boonville herald 1921.jpg white lake corners news boonville herald june 30 1921 001.jpg
white lake corners news boonville herald june 30 1921 002 white lake corners news boonville herald oct 20 1921
white lake corners news boonville herald june 30 1921 002.jpg white lake corners news boonville herald oct 20 1921.jpg